Advantages of Selling Your Home in the Winter

Why Waiting to Move After the Holidays isn’t a Smart Decision

Every year at this time, many homeowners decide to wait until after the holidays to put their home on the market for the first time. Others who already have their home on the market decide to take it off the market until after the holidays. Contrary to popular belief, there are many advantages to selling your home in the winter. It is actually a great time to sell. Here are reasons why:

Motivated Buyers
Not only are there actually buyers out looking in the winter, but they are typically extremely motivated. People willing to brave the cold weather and snow are serious about finding a home. You will probably have less showings, but the people who come through will be more qualified. This is the ideal situation.

Less Competition
There are less homes listed for sale in the winter, and because of this, you have less competition. Other sellers are missing out on the best time to sell their homes. With less inventory on the market, sellers have more control.

Your Home Looks Great
Emotion plays a huge role in which home a buyer purchases, and you can capitalize on that by making your home cozy and cheery during showings. Tasteful decorations and a minimum of clutter will allow buyers to see their own families celebrating the holidays in your home next year.

Better Price For Your Home
Because there is less inventory, if you market your home right you have the potential to get top dollar. Sellers definitely have the upper hand in a winter transaction. In the summer months, buyers might have 30 homes to choose from. But in the winter, there may only be 10 that fit the same criteria. You have a much greater chance of someone submitting an offer on your home in the winter.6. The supply of listings increases substantially after the holidays. Also, in many parts of the country, new construction will make a comeback in 2016. This will lessen the demand for your house.

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